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soal waktu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "soal waktu"
  • I knew it was only a matter of time.
    Aku tahu itu hanya soal waktu saja.
  • It's only a matter of time before we're found.
    Itu hanya soal waktu sebelum kita ditemukan.
  • He'll get his.It's only a matter of time.
    Dia akan mendapatkan his.It 's hanya soal waktu.
  • Bout the timing on the backup generator? - Yeah.
    Kau yakin soal waktu generator cadangan itu?
  • And to quote you, "Life is nothing but timing."
    Dan mengutip perkataanmu, "Hidup hanya soal waktu".
  • Yeah, listen, we must have gotten the times mixed up.
    Dengar, kita pasti bingung soal waktu.
  • Alice, you seem to have time all mixed up.
    Alice, sepertinya kau bingung memahami soal waktu.
  • It's about time I killed you, old man.
    Hanya soal waktu sampai aku membunuhmu, pak tua.
  • I'm afraid he is right about that, ma'am.
    Aku khawatir dia benar soal waktu, Bu.
  • Why does my perception of time distress you so?
    Mengapa persepsiku soal waktu begitu menyusahkanmu?
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